Advanced Cranial Sacral Therapy With Annie King
Are you needing stress management tools, managing chronic or acute pain, dealing with tension headaches or migraines or do you have a head injury?
Cranial Sacral Therapy can help.
The spinal cord is the main frame of our central nervous system and any restrictions can cause structural misalignment, pain and impaired organ function. Cranial Sacral Therapy addresses these restrictions, releasing stiffness around the spinal cord and brain stem, which allows the body to deeply relax, release tension and reset, bringing the body into a profound state of calm. This sublime state is called The Still Point.
Meet Annie King
Advanced Cranial Sacral Therapist
Somatic Interactional Therapist
Universalist Life Minister

“Behold the body includes and is the meaning, the main concern and includes and is the soul.”
— Walt Whitman