Advanced Cranial Sacral Therapist
Somatic Interactional Therapist
Universalist Life Minister
After two decades of practicing Neuromuscular therapy, Trigger Point therapy, Lymphatic Drainage and reflexology as a Licensed Massage therapist Annie received her first CST session. Her approach to pain and discomfort in the body fundamentally changed. Most bodywork techniques are working with symptoms. CST finds and addresses the core issue out of which the symptoms arise. We can bring to consciousness through Somatic Emotional Release the suppressed emotions buried in the tissues of the body and begin to free what is causing our pain. This work is life changing and deeply healing for both myself and the people I get to work with.
Annie's qualifications are extensive. A glimpse into her educational background:
Private Instruction with Sri Ma Govinda in Iyengar Yoga
BA, Dance, University of Texas
Dance Kinesiology, University of Utah
Certified Therapeutic Yoga Instructor, Yoga Alliance
Licensed Massage Therapist, Santa Cruz College of Massage Therapy
Advanced Cranial Sacral, Somatic Emotional Release, Lymphatic Drainage, and Neuromuscular Therapy, Upledger Institute
BS, Psychology, Union Institute and University
Jungian Social Group Work Training, Center for Transpersonal Therapy
Trauma Clearing Training, Trauma Dynamics
Psychedelic Somatic Interactional Therapist, Level 1 certification, Psychedelic Somatic Institute
Universalist Life Minister